Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new year!

Have you ever felt this incredible urge to procrastinate? So here I am, on the verge of finishing all the chapters except the conclusion, just experiencing a writer's block. It is not a block when you do not have anything to write, it is rather one that you know exactly what you can write, but just refuse to finish it off. Just got the soundtrack of "Little Woman" as well a bunch of "This American Life" achieved programs, which makes my solitary life so too bad.

So here are what I did in the past several days. Spent new years eve in SF playing board games with a bunch of nerds, and I am a nerd too. Spent new year's day with advisor and other students to celebrate his decision to stay. Today I went to the airport picking up a friend who came back from S Korea. He helped me a lot in editing my papers, and I cannot thank him enough. So any time, Paul, to be your driver.

When I just started the blog, I will get a bunch of blogs about "Songhua River" if I search "songhua blog" on google. Now my blog comes the first. It is a blessing as well as a curse, a curse because now I have to be very cautious about blogging about my jobs. (unrban legends have it that you can get fired because of your blogs.) Therefore, although I have some big news about work, I have to hold it off here. I am sorry that I cannot be completely honest here, but at least I am honest to reveal that I am hiding something from you.

Mmmmwwwhahaha, as planned, I finished chapter 5. And as a bonus, I have jumped ahead of the plan and drafted the outline of the concluding chapter. Maybe I should take a break tomorrow or something. Give myself a pat on the back, hehe.

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