Thursday, July 15, 2004

Video game

Ok, this might sound embarrassing, but I played video game the WHOLE day yesterday. It was so exhausting, but I just couldn't stop in the middle of the game. So I finally went through the whole game at 00:30am this morning, and felt exhausted but guilty about nothing accomplished. Some battle scenes even appeared on my dream. (By the way, the game is Call of Duty. No matter how guilty I feel about my own action, I recommend the game nonetheless.)
But there are two up sides of yesterday's stupidity. First, I had the most imagitive dream as I can remember. The dream was clearly in my mind when I woke, but now I forget them all. There were things I could name, events that are totally out of logic. Second, I had a great day today. I am much more motivated, and can appreciate outdoor activities and readings much more. It is just like people on drugs. Doing drugs is a stupid thing, but the ecstacy (might be misspell) just might convince people its worthiness.
Well, after one day of abusing my time, I have some catch up to do. And give me strong immunity to be away from video games for a while.

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