Sunday, December 12, 2004

Hi, the first several days of nothing to do

Hi, buddy, I want to know life still, do you?
Here I am again, joyfully experiencing some good moments of my life. Spent a bunch of money, which makes me happy. I have got most of Christmas presents for all my friends. I think they are all good. Oh, I mean the presents, but friends too of course.
I am finally taking on the LA trip, and the decision makes me feeling I am in control again. I do not know where I will visit or my complete itenary, but it will be blast.
I am taking protein now. I have been rejecting the idea for a while, although I know some friends are taking them. Now I am like: hey, the worst season of writing is over, why not trying something new. It might be ineffective to gain weight, but there is no harm.
But I am unhappy about one thing. I am not disclose it here, since it involve a friend at my university who is in trouble right now. I have believed he's gonna fail anyway, but what annoyed me is that nobody seems to care anymore. Anyone is caring there own business. Even when they help, it is because they can feel they have the power. I do not think they give a shit about the person who is struggling and how he feels. Damn, I do hate the world, which consists of selfish bastards.

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