Saturday, October 23, 2004

It is saturday!

Hi, I do not really feel the urge to write something on the blog right now, but writing is an interesting thing though. You just get sucked in only after you start.
Anyway, I mailed out a letter to my family, along with a bunch of photos they have never seen before. I feel good. The letter is nothing like trying to educate them into the alignment with my thoughts. Rather, I put only facts in: where I live, how my friends are like, what my daily schedule is, etc. I feel I have grown up. A better understand and a deeper sympathy began to emerge, which counterbalance my anger and frustration towards them. But disregard my feelings, making them happier seems a rational thing to do anyway.
One of my friends has get sick recently. He is struggling with both physical and mental difficulties. After my own episode of problem, I totally sympathize the whole thing he is facing. During our conversation, I can see his self-defense system will kick in here and there, acoiding others to notice his feelings. I know it is easy to say and hard to do, but I really hope he would one day take it easy and be more open about it.
My feet were hurt yesterday during the dance rehearsal, so I have to skip my Saturday noon jogging today.
I think I would do some readings this afternoon and then go for a safeway trip. I will then go to my friend's place to have dinner. What a beautiful day.
Oh, by the way, as I told one friend through email, these days I am in my healthiest mental conditions since I came to the States. Man, I am still a little surprised that I can escape this one unscratched, which seemed so impossible just weeks ago.

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